Heart-Healthy Foods for American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month, and its goal is to raise awareness about heart health and urge those around you to prevent heart disease.

One way to keep your heart healthy is by choosing the best foods for your health. Below are some foods that you may want to incorporate into your diet to promote a healthy heart.

Fish containing high amounts of Omega-3’s

Omega-3’s are healthy fatty acids that are considered essential to the body. Omega-3’s are known to be heart-healthy.

Healthy nuts

Research has shown that nuts can: lower your low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which play a major role in the buildup of deposits called “plaques” in your arteries. Try having a handful of walnuts or almonds.


Tofu is full of heart-healthy nutrients including niacin, folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is an unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat has the ability to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, so it's excellent for heart health.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and cabbage are high in Vitamin B and folate which are great for your heart!

Whole Grains

Choosing whole grains such as brown rice, whole grain breads, quinoa, and whole oats are great sources of fiber, which can help keep your arteries healthy.

Try to incorporate these heart-healthy foods into your diet today!